
Wednesday, August 04, 2021

We Are All In This Together

 I was sitting in a medical waiting room this morning. Due to the Pandemic, some chairs had signs on them not to sit in them. As it happened I ended up sitting directly in front of a man that looked about my age.

As I sat there toying with my computer I noticed he and I were he only two wearing shorts.
Then I noticed we were the only two with tanned arms and legs. I thought with him it was probably to show his golfing or tennis tan. I got my tan walking everyday.
He had a ipad he was fooling with too.
Then I noticed his ball cap, like mine, did not have anything political or insulting statements on it, “Live and let live” I always said.
My nose itched so I scratched it. His nose must have itched too.
Then I pulled out my iphone and looked at the pictures, he did the same.
Then I reasoned, he is me. There is a long mirror in front of me.
To prove my point, I jumped out of my chair and did “Jumping Jacks” exercise. And then folded my arms up and flapped them and squawked like a chicken.
He looked at me like I am crazy and moved to another part of the room.

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