
Friday, June 11, 2021



The Marietta Museum of History had an interesting head-scratcher today.  Museum’s Amy and Christa visited Brawner’s in Smyrna today and had a live show from there. 

Brawner’s is very much embedded in Cobb County History.  I’m not  sure what is now, but many years ago and was a privately ran sanitarium.  There were many tales that was about that place.

As usual Amy, Christa, and someone of knowledgeable  authority talked about Brawner’s. live.  And I think they walked around pointing out things of interest. 

They got to a certain place on the property, an area that was rumored to be haunted, and their sound system went haywire, and all talking sounded like birds chirping.  A lot of the viewers, including us, sent them instant messages telling them we could not understand a word they were saying. 

Then the video system shut itself down.  And had an electronic readout that said something like, “NOT WORKING.” 

Then they walked to another area it came back on and started working on its own.



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