
Friday, February 26, 2021

Point to Ponder


I was sitting in sort of a waiting room yesterday. Beside me for a good while was a young lady with a mask on. It wasn't a religious type of woman face mask; it was a medical type of mask. She is probably allergic to germs or something in the environment. She sat reading a paperback novel and I sat reading a photo camera manual.
Finally we spoke. Once she started talking she talked and talked. All she needed was a jump start. I think I made a comment of some kind which triggered her off. I think she probably has a very expressive face because as she talked her mask was doing all sorts of bends, poof-offs, stretches and all. It was strange to watch.
We talked about filing your income taxes early. I said it is normally a little too early for me to file, I told her I was a moderate procrastinator. I could tell that she smiled under the mask. She said, "A moderate procrastinator?"
I said yes, I said I always felt to file your taxes in February was a little too quick, a little too aggressive, besides, what if you overlooked something because you were in such a hurry. I like to file a rough, sit on it and file in late March.
She said that sounded reasonable. Then I told her, to prove my point that I wasn't a whole-hog procrastinator, that I am just the opposite when I have to be somewhere at a certain time: I feel I am late if I am not there at least one hour before I should be. Her eyes widened and her mask contorted out of shape some. She made some kind of face.
She said, "You mean to say, you take your time when filing your income tax but you also arrive at appointments at least one hour early."
"Right!" I said.
"Why? " She asked.
"Who knows if I am going to have a flat tire or car trouble or a wreck up the road in blocking traffic or even worse, I am in the wreck."
Her eyes became smaller as if she was studying me and it also seemed that her mask was drawing up some.
Then Anna materialized and said, "Lets go."
Leaving the masked lady something to ponder over.

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