
Thursday, January 07, 2021

Growing Pains


I could not wait until I turned 6.  Then I could go to school, like the other neighborhood kids.

I could not wait until I turned 13.  Then I could go to the TAC (Teenage Canteen) above City Hall and the Firehouse on Atlanta Street and play pool without the lady than ran it or her husband run us off.

I cold not wait to enter the 8th grade.  It was not grammar school, it was either high school or Junior High.  I staid in hot water.

I could not wait until the 9th grade, which was Marietta High School.  I stayed in hot water there too.

I could not wait to get a paper route.  Those papers were not going to deliver themselves.

I could not wait to turn 16, to get my driver’s license.  My wrecks and tickets were minimum.

I could not wait to graduate, which I did, which was a big surprised to the assistant principal.

I could not wait to turn 18 to registered to vote.  And I almost voted every time.  One time my mail-ballot was returned to me saying it arrived too late.  Long story, not my fault.

I cold not wait to get a job, which as did.  The thrill of that poofed soon.

I could not wait to join the Navy.  Well I could wait, but the Cuban Missile Crisis was looming.

I could not wait to get married.  It was the  best decision I have made.

I could not wait until we have kids.   Well, that is not exactly correct, we waited several years, but when we did have the boys that was also the best decision we have made, tide with the marriage one.

I could wait to have my own handicap hangar.

Opps!  What’s next?


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