
Thursday, January 28, 2021

For Your Eyes Only

 Forget the last post:

Facebook Post Jan 2015:

About last October a lawman knocked on my door and asked, in so many words, what I knew about the people that lives across the street. I said something like not much. They come and go a lot.

What I should have said: they go Resurgent's Surgery Group a lot : their kids report cards,; they like Slushies from Quck Trip; they like Duncan Donut; who their home mortgage is with; and more!

How do I know so much private information about a neighbor? because they don't use garbage bags, they just throw the stuff in a garbage container and they rarely put the top on it. On windy days we learn a lot, whether we want to or not.

Facebook Post today:

Someplace on my post today I reposted something I put on my facebook page before about the neighbors’ garbage, not putting their garage in bags and how if it is a windy day we learn more about our neighbors’ business than we wanted to know.

Today is garbage pickup day and a windy day. 

When bringing in our garbage can from the street at the edge of the driveway and street was what I thought a thick gauzed bandaged about the size of a small arm bandage that went around the arm.  I picked it up, then realizing I could be caked with germs threw it down.

I dropped it instantly and rushed into the house and scrubbed my fingers with soap and water.  Then I got a plastic grocery bag and slowly approached the white stained gauze-looking thing carefully as one would a snapping turtle.  I picked it up not directly touching it with my are fingers, sort of scooping it up. 

I got a better look at it this time. 

It was a used sanitary napkin.


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