
Monday, December 14, 2020

Interesting Evesdropping


Interesting Eavesdropping:  About 11am we walked into a sandwich shop.  There were on one person behind the counter.  On the side of the counter were two young detectives.   I knew they were detectives because they both had guns and handcuffs on their belts.  I thought it was interesting they did not have face masks on.

The lady behind the counter was talking to the men she was preparing their sandwiches.  They were talking about a murder case.  She was telling them about a murder case in Sandy Springs that she knew a lot about.  I think she had some kind of relationship of someone involved in the murder.  As it unfolded, she knew the victim and the murderer. 

They  listened and offered their opinions, telling her to bear in mind that Fulton County law enforcement does things differently from Cobb County’s law enforcement.     

I have a bad sciatica nerve.  It I am sitting or standing for over a few minutes I think a type of stiffness sets in.  I learned whenever I am still for a long period of time I need to more my left leg up and down.  I think it gets blood circulating.  While the lady behind the counter was talking to the detectives and it looked like it would be a while I started moving my left leg back and forth and up and down.  The movement caught the attention of my leg movements, glanced at it, then did a double focus.  Opps, they must think I am on speed or something, so I quit.

They got their sandwiches and left. 

We ordered.

As the lady was  preparing our sandwiches two young ladies came in.  They apparently knew the lady behind the counter.  One asked her was she going to the service.  I forgot what she said, if she was going to the service or not.

Interesting one of the ladies took out a cell phone and slid it across the counter.  Then, I think since she was bogged down making our sandwiches they told their friend they would be back.   And as they left one of them grabbed a sack of potato chips and told her to put it on her tab.

Service?  Did that have anything to do with the Sandy Springs shooting?  There were plenty of questions I had.

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