
Sunday, December 27, 2020

F Y On The Shelf


Elf (A.K.A. “F”) On The Shelf.

On the news this morning was a piece about a school principal, I think his name is Mr. Vaughn, who dresses in red with red and white striped stockings during Christmas time at school to have fun with the students at his school.  “Put a smile on their faces” he said.

However, it stands to reason, that out of a school student body there are bound to be a few bad apples.  And those bad apples would be sent to the principal’s office for discipline.

I know, I have been sent to the principal’s office a bunch of times.

In grammar school Principal Miss Whitehead did not greet me dressed in red, with a floppy red cap and stripped white and red stockings.  She had no intention of “putting a smile on my face.”  She wanted to see tears and fright.

Which if you have noticed I never misspell Principal.  One time our high school principal Lloyd Cox,  in a morning student body meeting said he was looking over potential teachers resume letters and it was amazing how many looking for a job misspelled Principal, saying instead Principle.

Speaking of Principal Cox one time he had three of us lined us and suddenly whipped out behind his back a blown up Whoopee Cushion and squeezed it and it made a loud farting noise and us three cracked up laughing.  The cushion was confiscated from us by Coach Lundy in phys ed.  Lloyd said, “What is so funny about that.”  He should have had on an Elf on the Shelf suit, because he certainly caused mirth, spontaneously smiles and laughter.

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