
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Jason with State Farm Can't Beat This


Not long ago some of us were talking about the thickness of The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Thanksgiving edition vs the Christmas edition and we mentioned some of the higher-ranking distribution bosses in Marietta and surrounding area.

I want to also mention C., an older brother of a childhood friend of mine.  Before I had a route of my own my friend and I would help C. on his morning route, the Constitution.  We got the Park Street, Fraser Street area..

C. had MS which effected his walk and speech.  In their back-yard C. had a big pile of bicycle parts which he collected and assembled as needed.  But he preferred his Cushman Motor Scooter.

I think he stayed working for Tom Gordon a long time, longer than anyone else.

I heard C. was in prison.  I researched why and found out why.  He was in prison for murder.  According to what I read he murdered his wife, shooting her dead.

I think she may have talked C. into.  Clay had to take a certain medicine for his MS and flatly could not afford it.  His wife had an incurable disease and had only weeks to live anyway. 

Now C. is in prison where the cost of the medicine and/or treatment is not a problem.


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