
Friday, November 27, 2020

How to Lose While Playing Horseshoes With Your Boss


In our subdivision, about 3 blocks away I saw that my friend Roy Lantz’s house was “Under Contract”.

Roy is selling his house!  Old Roy is moving.  Actually, he is old like an old friend, actually Roy is younger than me.

Roy’s wife Bonnie died a couple years ago.  Just a day or two before she died women friends in the neighborhood and their church came over to hold sot of a prayer session for Bonnie on her death bed.  As they talked about different things, Bonnie said to the effect, “If any of you single ladies are looking for a man, Roy will be available in a couple of days.

Roy had a Santa outfit.  Years ago ‘near Christmas “Santa” visited the Hunter Household and had Rocky and Adam sit on his lap and he listened to what they wanted for Christmas, with a “Ho Ho Ho” thrown in here and there.

Roy has a book out “Never Beat Your Boss Playing Horsehoses”  He tells a true story of at a company pickup one time he beat his boss at playing horseshoes.”  His career with ghat company slid downward and out the door.  The book tells of methods of how to climb the success ladder in a corporation.  I think that book led him into the career of being a motivation speaker.  I saw him give one for the Marietta Post Office one time.  He was a good speaker, with wit and foresight thrown in.

He was also a very worthy member of the American Legion, Horace Orr Post.  I think he was voted as th man of the year a few years back.

Roy and I used to sometimes  run together on Sandy Plains Road.  Sometimes we ran into other (not literally) while running and we would walk back.  One time when we ran into each other he was walking.  He was walking because his car broke down and he left it.  Ever since I have know Roy he had a thing about red red convertibles.  .He loved.  I think since I knew him he went through three or four.  So, that morning we walked to his house, got his other car and he chained it up to the broken down red convertible.  I forgot which one drove and which one steered the towed red car but something went wrong where the convertible tapped the pulling car, but nothing serious.

Now, we are up today.  I was driving home from the Post Office and at the stop light at thr street that goes into the subdivision was a red convertible waiting for the light to turn.  I turned in the street and stooped.  It was Roy, of course.  I said, “Moving?”

He said, “Old people move to Florida!”

I said, “Well shit!”  He shrugged his shoulders, which somehow cause a big question mark appear above his head.

I had not noticed until then, but he had a deep tan.  That rascal had already been there and just came back to put his house on the market.

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