
Sunday, June 07, 2020

Glove Street, Part 3

Glover Street Part 3

The next house is the only house that still  houses a family on Glover Street.  In the back was a building that had a sign  TED’S MATTRESS SHOP.  When I lived nearby there were always several women sitting on the front porch.  I remember on lady that lived there was mentally challenged and the others made fun of her, like they would talk her into giving two dimes for their Nickle, because of course the nickel  was bigger so worth more.  And  laughed when she said OK.
Also there was a boy my age named Mickey.  Micky and I was about the same age.  He was a tough one.  He wanted the tough image and used me to show it.  I remember in the 2nd grade in the lunch room of Waterman Street School jumping n me and rubbing a little serving of honey all in my hair.  It must have been something I said.  In Mickey’s adult years he became more of a business man. than a thug.  He owned a garage in Acworth that specialized in old Volkswagens.  He told me a couple years ago he was going to turn it over to his son.  Mickey also managed a bass fishing contest at Allatoona Lake, weekly I think.  He handed out trophies to the most and biggest.

Next door was a family I knew well.  They lived only a block from us when we lived in the Clay Homes.  They had two sons and a daughter.  They were from Macon, Georgia, and moved to Marietta.  The two boys, one about two years older than me, and the oldest about Frances’ age.   We got along great with them..  The boys are dead now and the daughter became a Playboy Bunny, but she aged and the last I heard of her she was working in a convenience store west of Marietta.
Their father bought some land  off Macland Road and put a livable trailer on it.  Soon he was having an affair with a co-worker.   I think when his wife caught him divorce was out of the question because they were staunch Catholics.  I don’t remember if they ever divorced or not.
Visiting them was always a pleasure., they usually had a pet squirrel or a raccoon.  On Manget Street is a small Baptist Church.  On a Sunday night we climbed up on top of their barn, and got down on the roof which was looking in the window of church and watched the service.  We were amazed at all the music and action that took place.  By the way, my uncle and aunt attended that church and was part of a Gospel Quartet.
The son closet my age, was an Explorer when I was a Scout, we both was in the Saint Joseph’s Church Scouts.  One time he came to the house with a bb pistol.  Outside he shot me in the butt and I ran off, and he shot me in the butt as I turned at every corner of the house.
They moved there for the barn.  Their father wanted a horse and needed a barn.  I forgot the horse, how he looked and how he acted, or his demeanor   Eventually they rented the pasture across the street down by the woods
Across the street from this family was two houses, which I think they all were related.  They sat out in their grassless yard and snapped beans all the time.  They also got a petition up to demand the Catholics across the street to move, which was a waste of time.

Back across the street next door to my friends the Catholics and also on the corner of Manget Street was a family that also had a daughter that people picked on.  Several teenagers (I was preteen) hung out in their yard and smoked.  I thought that was so cool.  There was also a kid, about a year older than me and also named Eddie, Eddie Nichols, who is/was mentally challenged.  To the teenagers Eddie and I were no better than flight dogs or roosters.  They agged  us into a fight.   I have been very lucky with fighting.  For My advisories have always knew nothing about blocking hits and swing like a windmill leaving your face unguarded.  So, I blooded his nose and he ran to his grandparents crying.  I went home.  Later I was told that Eddie’s sister walked back up and wanted to know who broke her brother’s nose, she was going to have him arrested.   Either the teenagers lied or did not know my name at the time.

The Catholic family house left and the house that I had my fight with Eddie in the yard right

Where I busted the Other' Eddie's nose.

When I am in the area I always went by my old stomping grounds to see the changes.  One time I when I was in the neighborhood  there were a couple of trucks in front of the house on the corner where I had my fight with the other Eddie  and the house my Catholic friends lived in.  I couldn’t help myself, I pulled asked the two men what happened.  They said both houses was to burned down the next day for training purposes. 

Poof!  Another memory up in smoke.

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