
Friday, April 17, 2020

My 2 Year Tenure at Kennesaw Jr. Collete

Yesterday I thought of Kennesaw College, or more accurately Kennesaw Junio College. 

Believe it or not I was on the Dean’s list most of the two years I attended.

Anna and I went to the same classes along with her co-worker Bridgette and her husband Bill.  Anna and Bridgette diligently took detailed notes of the instructors’/professors’ lectures and Bill and I did not.  Bill and I would entertain each other with wise cracks and kept each other giggling. 

As I said I did not take notes but I seriously studied Anna’s notes.  While Bill and I (us two grown middle age men) cut up I sort of half-way knew what the prof was talking about.  So, when I studied Anna’s perfect notes and was a double review – the knowledge was pounded into my brain and I made great on tests.  I was on the Dean’s list always, almost to the end.

Anna was pregnant.  She did not the attend the last quarter.  She had preparations to make for our upcoming first child. 

I parted from Bill and Bridgette I needed a form of algebra or calculus to get my Associated Degree.

During this time, I was working all night, getting off about 8:30 I think, go home, about a 30 to 45 minutes trip through morning commute traffic and try to go directly to bed.  I was lucky if I got between 3 and 4 hours sleep.  I carpooled to the college with another of Anna’s co-workers Darlene. 

I lacked sleep so much sometimes when just sitting still I dozed off.
And that is why I dozed off during a lecture in my algebra or calculus (whatever) class.  Sometime during the lecture my mind concocted up a theory on finding the exact birthdate of Christ.  Suddenly I jumped up to stand and interrupted the little wise and clever professor on how to find the exact date of anybody.  I quickly and excitedly explained how you had to use the Pi formula on the year and it matters if it is BC or AD.  It all made sense as I explained it. 

Then I woke up.  Some students were looking up at me amused or smirking, some with their mouth opened.  Gads, what did I just do?
I never went back to that class and got a failing grade.  No more Dean’s List for me.  No Associate degree either.

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