
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

This morning going to the lab to have my blood drawn for medical reasons next week a man rushed past me to get into the elevator first.  Since we were the only two in the elevator  what difference did it make?  Because he rushed in first and and I tottled in in second I am closer to the elevator door so I will get out first, unless he knocked me aside, which he didn't.  He pressed the 3 button and I pressed the 2 button so we were not really racing at all, we had different destinations - he just wanted to feel  better about himself getting in the elevator first.

In the elevator he noticed his sweater and shirt was covered with dog hairs.  He mumbled something bad about his dog getting on him before he left.

"You are lucky."  I said.  "My dog died about four months ago."

His expression looked like he almost cried.  "I'm so sorry." he said.

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