
Thursday, August 08, 2019

Preacher's Pet

This morning while in the car we had the radio on NPR station WBIE listening to Lois Reitzes interview a comedian who was at one time a regular of SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. I could not place him. His voice seemed familiar thou. Lois asked him how did he come up with the characterTs he created. He said he used to make a lot of prank calls.

Which took my memory back to when I was a teenager and the phone. Sometimes a bunch of us would get together at someone's parents' house who weren't home that night and ended up spending the night. Which brings to mind my friend Johnny and his crank calls. I heard him do it several times and he had his technique down perfect. Johnny would call he certain number he had in his billfold and talked to his favorite target. He would scold her not for going to church. She thought he was her preacher. And he and her would tell  other rumours of their fellow parishioners. Of course Johnny made his up as he wentr - he would say, "You who I'm talking about, I am not going to come out and say his/her name.." And sometimes they would prey for the nameless lost soul. This went on for a few years, until we grew up.

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