
Saturday, December 22, 2018

NYC Visit, Dec 2018

The Museum of Modern Art. A.K.A. MUMO or is it MUME. I think I get it wrong every time I try it. 

In the 1964s and 65s I have visited it a number of times. It has either moved or extended itself by swallowing up it's neighbors. I think then the Whitney Museum was nearby. So was the Guggenheim Museum, but it is so unusual in shape it is their trademark so suspect the Guggenheim is still nearby, we just did not see it.

They have a big wide of art. A lot Pablo Picasso but only one each of Wyeth and Salvador Dali as far as I could tell, but a lot others.

In midtown Manhattan I think there is a traffic policeman at every red light and cop on his beat between every light. We had to ask a cop for directions several times and found them friendly and knowledgeable.

The MUMO (?) opened at 10:30am. We got there just a few minutes before. Something led us to believe we must check in our coats and baggage (but you can keep your camera! (Just no flash photography). We looked for a place to check our coats in and saw a policeman standing overlooking everyone and went up ;and asked him where do we check in our coats.
He laughed and said he didn’t know. He just came in to get out of the cold.
We asked somebody else and found out where to check in, we check to see where the check in was. Not that it matters, but the men's restroom has a strange looking contraption to wash your hands and dry them. To prevent looking stupid trying to operate it I walked away without washing my hands. Then Anna told me how, so I returned and did it and looked like a pro. The handle looks like a small bike handle, hold your hands under the left and it dabs soap on your hands, hold your hands the center and it give your hands water. And hold it under the right handle and it blows pleasant warm air to dry your hands. I hate to think what kind of new contraction is waiting for people in the stalls.

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