
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

3 Old Warriors Run Into Each Other

Today in the doctor’s waiting room an old friend, and my wife’s ex-co-worker Leo was also there.  Leo was wearing an Air Force ball cap.  It might have said “Retired” on the cap.  Leo was a lifer pilot.
Leo was checking out at the counter when a man near him said he joined the Air Force in 1962 when he heard about the Cuban Missile Crisis on the news.

I then broke in and told the two men and the lady behind the counter that the Cuban Missile Crisis inspired me to join the Navy.  (I did not say Navy Reserves).

Then Leo told that he was already in the Air Force when the Cuban Missiles urgency hit his command.  He said he was playing softball at the time..  He was in his baseball uniform and had to report to the base immediately.  So, he said, he reported to his command at the base as ordered – he was part of a fighter command whatever. 
He said he thought he was about to go to war, flying a warplane, wearing a baseball suit.

I pictured that in my mind and I was reminded of BLACKHAWKS comicbooks, where the pilot crew wore cowboy hats, and other eccentric clothing, but always had their blue military uniform on.

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