
Monday, October 08, 2018

President With a Long Nose

Many will vote for Trump yes-men because the bottom line is jobs.   They feel because of Trump and his band the unemployment number have shrunk.

Maybe so.  But statistics and numbers are tricky.

It might be true with more regulations deleted means less costly and more jobs.  However, I would like to point out that regulations are normally for protection for the consumer.  It is a safeguard against buying harmful stuff and also to guarantee war materials are of quality.

I would also say Trump cannot be trusted.  He cannot give a speech without throwing in a lot of untrue facts for no apparent reason. Sometimes I think he really believes what he said.  What is the source of his wrong facts?

He recently said in a speech in the Midwest that he recently learned that he is the first Republican to carry some Midwest states in a presidential election.  Wrong!  Nixon and Ike did.

But he keeps on coming out with non-truths that can easily be proven wrong.

Like I said, I’m not sure he knows the facts he comes up is wrong.  He has a bad researcher or bad speech writer.  I think it is mostly him, his own lawyers will not allow him to testify in the Russian meddling investigation because they are afraid he will perjure himself.

I just can’t vote for a president or his yes-men  that you know is known for telling untruths.  You never know when he is telling the truth.

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