
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October is the Time for Oakland

Visiting Oakland Cemetery seems to be always interesting and a happenings   I think in October more people come which brings out a parade of period costumes and music.

Margaret Mitchell is buried at Oakland.

So is Franklin Garrett.  Franklin was the official historian of Atlanta.  Once while doing  genealogy research I had a question about troop movement of one of my relatives involved in the Battle of Atlanta during the Civil War in 1864.  I called the Atlanta Historical Society and asked my question to the lady that answered the phone. She connected me to “somebody who will know”, Franklin Garrett.  I asked him my question and he said to hold, he would look it up.  A few minutes later he came back and told me what I needed to know, but the answer created another question, which I immediately asked.  Franklin, again, said hold on, he would go look up.  Which he did and returned a few minutes later, breathing a little louder, and told me the answer, which triggered another question.  When I asked him that question, he asked could I please combine my questions, he was having to climb two flights of stairs each time.

The Sleeping Lion guards the Confederate Soldier section of the Oakland.

See the white statue?  Did you see him move?  I bet if you tickled him under his arms he would giggle.  Yep, he’s alive!

The below picture is one I took aiming the lens inside a crypt to get the stained glass.  Did I also get an apparition doing cart-wheels?

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