
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Henry Miller Spends the Night With Lawrence Durrell

On PBS lately we have been watching THE DURRELLS ON CORFU series on Master Theater on PBS.  Corfu is an Greek Island (I think)  The Durrells is a fatherless family with a mother, two sons in their early 20s, a teenage girl, and a son about preteen age.  They are British.   I’m not sure why, but they spend their summers on Corfu island getting in one light humor situation after another.

On the episode his this weekend the oldest son Larry accompanied his mother to London because of a death in the extended family. 

Larry is a published writer and have developed  pen-pal relationships with other writers   Several of his writer friends are living together in London.  Larry decided to look them up and end up spending a few days with them and also his mother a couple of days.  They lived a very artistic bohemian life style... walking around nude.

One of the resident writers was Henry Miller.  I thought “THE Henry Miller?”

Then I remember a book I read many years ago that was correspondence and letters between Lawrence Durrell and Henry Miller.

I Google The Durrells and found the series  is from Lawrence Duirrell’s memoirs  of the times his family lived on Corfu Island. 

Wikipedia told about each of his siblings.  In the series his youngest brothers Gerald Burrell is compulsive about collecting wild birds, insects, and any other kind of animal on the island.  Wikipedia said when he grew up he became a world-famous naturist.

So this sit-come (more or less) is based on writings of a real family pre-WWII and the mingling of influential writers of the time.   What about that?

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