
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Young Don

I talked to my Navy (and beyond) pal Don yesterday and they had to remove part of his brain.  He had to relearn a lot that we take for granite,like our parents and siblings name).   He remembers some of our Navy fun times, but I think the details are fuzzy to him.  Maybe some of these pictures will refresh his memory.  To complicate matters after he left active duty he went back to college, got his degree and also his commission.  He ended up as a Naval Officer Reservist.  Good for him.

2 Hangars across the way from our hangar

Me in Greenwich Village by Don 

Me swinging into the lake at Clearpool Camp, Carmel, NY, by Don

Notice the snow tits.  I bet she was frigid.

NAS Lakehurst movie house

Lt Chet Whitehurst, our division officer depressed

Ray Schultz entering Chumley's in the Village

Dick Day at 1965 NY World's Fair by Don

Professor Dick Graham

I and Dick Day in New Hope, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, dredging up a spirit out of a pot at an antique store, by Don 

Me saying, "Who says I can't fly a Bell Helicopter?" by Don 

This photo, by Don.  This wast taken in the winter time. That is me lying on the ground like I just had a wreck and was thrown out of the car.  Standing out of Camera range are Don, my two cousins (under 10), and their dog.  Ironically, a car sped around curve and almost hit us, but did whack the dog, which cut his tail off.

The following spring after the picture of above we are at Clearpool Camp, in Carmel, NY, playing cowboys and Indians.  Notice the dog is missing his tail.  picture by Don Lash.

Reuben Collier playing pool in the barracks lounge.

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