
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

I Wandered Into an Evil Trap!

I wandered into an Evil Trap.  Lately I have been studying movie editing programs.  I have narrowed my search to about six.  I have been going back and forth between them studying different facts.
Since I was clicking on their links so often I thought it would be more time efficient to make them as my favorites.  I first tried it.  I marked one as a favorite, then I clicked on Favorites to see how easy it would be to find.  I don’ think it was there.

But while in my Favorites I decided to review My Favorites to refresh myself on what I thought at one time was my favorites. 

The first one I looked at was BUDDY’S BLOG.   “What is Buddy’s Blog”  I wondered.  I clicked on it and immediately saw it was cartoonist Bud Pearson’s blog.  Bud had a very witty blog.  He I the creator of THE PIHRANNA CLUB comic strip, which he quit it about a half year ago. 

I clicked on it to see if he was keeping up his blog.  As soon as I clicked on it had a menu selection.  The top one was articles.  I clicked on it.


Things started blinking on and off an a woman’s voice told me I have entered a porno site and they are freezing where I could not get out until I pay a ransom amount.
I hit everything I could think of to leave, it would not let me.

Then, for whatever reason, something popped up and said, “would you like to leave this site?”  I clicked the “yes” selection and suddenly I was on my Windows 10 screen.


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