
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Throwback Thursday: WHAM!

Throwback Thursday.  This is a little private drive in Marietta  going from the back a row of long standing  buildings on Atlanta Street into Waddell Street.

In front of drive on Waddell Street, in my time, as Steel's Store.  We lived directly across the street, the first apartment in the Clay Homes.  The green vacant lot in the picture is where the Clay Homes used to be.  This picture was taken several years ago.  Now, Yuppie-like townhouses are there.
A week from Friday, February the 23rd, at 10:30 in the morning the Marietta Museum of History is having a "Public Housing" in their "Remember When" Series.  It should be interesting to us that were "there" in the various Marietta projects.
Getting back to looking down the down hill drive leading to Waddell Street:  When I was preschool age I had a tricycle.  I discovered how fun gravity could be.  I found if I push my tricycle up the hill in the drive, when I got to the top, turn it around to fade down the hill, sit down on the seat, raise my legs and feet so not to interfere with the peddles going around and around I could coast down the hill and build up to a high speed in just a moment.  I must have tried it once or twice and did not get hurt.
However, the last time I sped down the hill and the next thing I remembered I was lying on our couch in the living room with a bunch of people looking at me..  A lady in a car hit me as I shot out right in front of her. Apparently, it knocked me out.

Later the Sears store and the auto parts store next door became Marietta Lighting.  Then for the past few years I don't think any thing was there, but recently it was announced a brewery company with an outside beer garden will be there.

The Sears Store:  One day is December my mother was ironing and listening to WFOM Radio Station.  Santa was on the air at Sears and kids were telling him what they wanted for Christmas.  Then she heard a kid that sounded like me.  The looked out front and I wasn't there.  She looked at the back door and I wasn't there either.  You know where I was.  Maybe I asked Santa for a tricycle.

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