
Sunday, February 18, 2018


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The other day while driving I got behind a garbage truck on a hilly curvy road.  I knew it would be making frequent stops to pick up garbage at the curb.  I didn't want to take the chance of going around it.  I might as well enjoy the scenery.  

MAN!  I saw some automation I have never seen before.  No one was hanging on the back of the truck to hop off at each top and grab a waiting garbage can and dump and contents and quickly put the garbage can back where he grabbed it from and hop back hanging on the back of the truck for the next stop.

It wasn't like that.

I was amazed to see a long metalic arm reach outward, then downward, picked up the garbage can and turned it upside down and emptied the contents, put it back and move on.

Automation is putting and end to manual labor.  Of course the garbage company will gain in no more calling in sick or having to hand out pay checks. But the poor manual laborers will even be poorer.
Automation is taking over our lives.  Doing physical chores will be less and less.

Which reminds me of a story in the first MAD Comic book,  issue #1, in the early 1950s, by Harvey Kurtzman and art by Wally Wood.

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