
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

B. Lloyds* Cox Died at Age 97

I just read in the paper that our teacher and high school principal Lloyd Cox died on Friday, the 6th, at age 97.
He was a very likeable principal, even if he was on to us.
I remember one time a few of us at lunch time slipped over to a friend's house to play pool.  We also tried his father's moonshine, which was a conversational piece more than a drinking item.  We drunk more than we should, but skipped more than we should.  When we returned my cousin Dee Hunter walked by me and handed me a note.  She worked in the principal's as a student help.  The note said I had better make up something fast, Mr. Cox has been looking for me all over.  In the outer office he said he "got Eddie Hunter now!"
I went to the bathroom and put a bar of soap under my arms (I heard that would raise your temperature).  Then I staggered down the hall, I don't think that was a fake - the moonshine.  Lloyd saw me in the hall way and said, "Where have you been, I looked all over for you!"  I pointed to the boys bathroom  next to the Home Economics Class.  I said, "In their puking my guts out."
He thought I had the flu and sent me home.  Asked me did I have a way, which I did.

Here is a couple of quotes I remember (he was full of memorable quotes):
"Do you smoke Eddie?"
Bending over in my face:   "Aren't you afraid you will burn your fingers?"

He called three of us to his office and lined us up, then suddenly whipped a Poo-Poo Cushion out from behind him, squeezed it and it made a farting sound.  (Coach Lundy confiscated it from us in the period before).
All three of us broke out laughing.
"What is so funny about that?"

One time he was complaining that he receives many teacher applications addressed to the "Principle".  He said the way you spell it is "Principal" "Remember the PAL part.  Which, now, that is one word I always spell correctly because of him.
The above picture was taken at a Good Old Boys (GOBAG) meeting on the day he turned 91, if I remember correctly.

*"B. Lloyds" is one of the nick names we gave him behind his back.

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