
Saturday, April 22, 2017

1848 House, again

From Google:

 Planter John Heyward Glovers, Jr. built Bushy Park, a Greek Revival plantation house, on his 3000 acre property in 1848. The house had 17 rooms and many outbuildings, including a stone kitchen, which still exists. Heart Pine floors and hand-hewn beams are featured in the house. William King* and his servants occupied the mansion during the Civil War battles in 1864. The house was also used as a federal hospital.”

1848 House Postcard

I took the above picture with the gates closed about  two years ago.
In the mid 1920s, when the house was vacant once, there were rumors the house was haunted.  My father, a teenager, on a dare spent the night alone.  During the night he felt something pull his hair.  He said he left rather abruptly.  The next day he and friends went back, in the daylight time, to investigate.  They concluded it  were cobwebs that pulled Daddy's hair.
Near the year 2000 Bill Dunaway, Marietta, Mayor, of Marietta, bought  The 1848 House and turned it into an upscale restaurant.  We dined there several times and was impressed.  So were the food critics and some TV food shows.  There were weddings, receptions, birthdays, and other gala affairs.  It was the place to be - it came with bragging rigts.
Bill Dunaway said they still had the ghost problem.  There was at least one ghost on the premises that was mischievous and a wannabe womanizer.   He goosed the some of the staff at times and maybe swing the chandelier at times.  
The 1848 House ran its course and it went up for sale.  Rumor was that Mick Jagger was considering it.

Finally, it and the many acres that surrounded the house was sold.   A subdivision was built around it.

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