
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Skip Williamson (1944-2017), R.I.P.

Pictures taken November 2001

Skip visiting Jon Benet Ramsey's grave

A friend died Thursday, March 16, 2017.  He was full of  life.  I hated to hear of his death.

from Wikipedia:

According to The Comics Journal, "He died at Albany Medical Center at 12:30 pm on Thursday, March 16th. “We were both romantics,” she [his widow] said in a phone call during her ride home to Vermont. “We are fucking ying and yan. We are those things that nobody knows. He was the bright light in my life.” The official cause of death was renal failure and complications from heart disease and diabetes, but it was an antibiotic that killed him, according to Adrienne, who declared, “He was in perfect health before he went into the hospital.” She described how Skip recently cut a toe while trimming his nails with his antique Confederate-era jackknife. It became infected and swollen and a local doctor prescribed Bactrin, which damaged his liver and kidneys. The doctors in Albany were trying to counter the effects of the medication when he died."[4]

I wonder if he bought this antique Confederate-era jacknife from Wildman Dent Myers (above left), who is famous for selling such  things?

Poster of Skip Williamson's creation Sammy Smoot

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