
Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Marietta Mountain View

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Look!  I can fly!
Actually, I can't.  I got to the parking lot near the top of Kennesaw  Mountain via other means.
I always like to look down on Marietta from high above.
On the left is the Kennestone/Wellstar Hospital Complex.  Like most old Marietta people, we had more than a few love ones that their lives end there.
Just a hop and skip to the right is the water tower at Saint Joseph's Catholic Church and School.
And down more to the right center is downtown Marietta.  My kind of town.
And someplace in the horizon you can see Blackjack Mountain, which did a Lover's Park and Smooch overlook of the downtown lights; sort of like a lovers' Lane.  

I been thinking about exercising my love of photography and visiting that area some night when the Moon is full and see if I can take some interesting pictures.  Maybe some old fashion blackmail is in order.

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