
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sometimes Marietta is a Small Town

This morning in the Marietta Daily Journal there was an article about Bob Halliday, restorer and owner of BOB'S GARAGE.

Articles that we find interesting Anna reads aloud to me.  She read this one.  Bob Halliday grew up at the GEORGIAN OAKS Motel on the "4-Lane" because his parents were the innkeepers.  .  I perked up at that sentence because one of my old email friends girlfriend, was a waitress there and was arrested for burning it down, if I remember correctly.  

The articles tells of Bob's passion for restoring things.  He moved back to the Marietta area about ten years ago and started a restoring/antique machine-like business on JVL Industrial Drive.   I perked up again.  A number of years ago, it might have been near ten years, I remember he emailed me to tell me what all he had and services he offered.  I forwarded his email to the MARIETTA MUSEUM OF HISTORY, thinking they might could benefit each other.

.Click here for the article

Marietta is small town, sometimes.

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