
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Bridgette Scarborough Died Dec 7, 2015

We just learned that an old friend of ours, Bridgette Scarborough, died Monday, December the 7th.

Bridgette and Anna worked together for the DOD for many years.  She, her husband Bill, Anna, and I went to Kennesaw College together in the evenings.   Bill and I would cut up and stir things up while Anna and Bridgette took all the notes in our classes.

Bridgette was a native of Deggendorf, Germany, in about 1940.  She was less than a year older than I.  She worked in a government exchange in Europe and that is where she met Bill.

Bridgette was a very smart non-nonsense kind of person and there is nothing she would not do for a friend. 

After Bill died we kept our friendship with her  active, taking her to concerts and museums and other interesting places.  She also volunteered for a lot of organizations after she retired.   I think she knew the Shakespeare plays by heart and had a group of friends that would frequent Shakespeare's works in Atlanta.

About five years ago it was evident to her doctor that she was coming down with dementia or Alzheimer's disease and had her committed.

When it first happened she could not understand why she was put into a watchful ward and begged us to help her escape.  Over the years  she became less demanding and more independent on the nurses. 

Did I mentioned she was a mathematical genius?  Of course she did her math calculations in the Deutsch language.

We visited her on her as often as we could.

The last time we visited her I think she was losing her gasp of the English language.  No matter what we said to her, her response was "OK."

So sad.

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