
Sunday, November 01, 2015

Post Halloween Thoughts

Our plan worked.  We did not turn on the outside lights and did not have any trick or treaters.  I will have to wait to daylight to see if had any trickers or not.  I noticed yesterday while out and about a few people on their job were moderately dressed up, maybe with a red rubber nose or cat whiskers painted on their cheeks or something like that.
When I carried the sack of candy across the street to the neighbors it took them a long time to come to the door.  I heard the woman I am most sensitive about scream at her kids and they screamed back .  I bammed on the door and they didn't hear me, but still carried on screaming.  I banged on their lopsided carport door and  still the didn't hear me.  Finally I heard them on their balcony and I ran out and hollowed - then she and one of her daughters looked at me, sort of like a deer getting caught in the head-lights kind of look.
I showed them the sack candy and she was very nice and polite and complemented us on our bell.  I told her it was Anna's mother's bell, but she died.  The woman said she was sorry to hear that.  I also told her our news that Anna and had a knee operation and Anna's mother died.  Thinking back, I forgot to tell her Rocky was now a daddy - I was the one caught in the headlights.  Then she sent her daughter downstairs to get my sack of candy.  She wished us a happy Halloween. The 8 or 9 year old daughter was dressed like a cheerleader with a white-ghoul likewhitepaint face with back eyes.  Very effective.  I have to give them credit, they know how to dress up for Halloween.

Seeing the little girl dressed up and seeing the other people (merchants)  mildly dressed up reminded me of a distant cousin-in-law of mine, Mary Beth K., who was a carrier for the same post office I worked at.  One Halloween she came to work dressed like a hooker-carrier.  A split up her postal skirl, loud make up, low-cut postal shirt.  She was sent home.  She never returned to work.     

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