
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday Night On the square

We went to Glover Park two nights in a row to hear concerts.  Friday night was crowded.  The music was big band and crooning.  Tonight it was an orchestra playing show tunes,  movie themes, classical, and others, which I suppose would be call pop.
We saw several interesting things worth raising our eyebrows over. 
1.  A man in high 30s or early 40s walked up toting a skateboard, sat down at an outside table and ordered pizza, sat there alone and ate it.  Using a skateboard is probably a very good way to get exercise, keeps you on your toes so to speak.

2.  Two women, each with a large dog had a face-off, High Noon style by the old bank building.  Both was hollering at each other to yield to other one and their dog.  Finally, one gave in a crossed the street.

3.  A couple of years ago within a week or two time we went to Martins for breakfast, Come and Get It for lunch, and Olive Garden for dinner.  We saw the same woman at all three places working at grunt jobs, like sweeping or picking up garbage in the parking lot.  And we kept on seeing her as time went by.  I think she was holding down three jobs.   Today at Marietta Pizza  we saw her again and with a male companion.  The male  companion, whatever  his role was to her, wore a very light straw western hat.  I think they had words at Marietta Pizza and she ate at table outside and he ate at a table inside.  One time he came out and snap at her and she snapped back, so he went back inside.  Later at the concert we saw them waking in tow of each other, but not looking like they  happily in love.  No love made in heaven with these two.

The music at the concert was nice and relaxing. 

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