
Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Contented Walmart Cashiers?

This morning on NPR Walmart was the topic.  A NPR crew visited a rural town that has a new Walmart.  They interviewed the town's mayor, a few small store owners and some Walmart customers.  Most   interviewed felt, economy-wise, that the presence of a Walmart is a good thing.   

One local expressed her concern that Walmart does not treat its cashiers very nicely, or that is what she heard.
That statement made me think of some of the Walmart cashiers  that I had  contact with.  They mostly seemed nice and laid back.  I don't think they would be so relaxed and sincerely nice if they were disgruntled.

Thinking of some of the cashiers reminded  me of one certain cashier  I see in one of the Walmarts from time to time.  I think he may have a higher degree than just a high school diploma.  He looks about 60 years old.   Older and probably more educated than his co-working peers are useless if one is intimidated all the time, which I think he is.

I noticed one time he could not keep his eyes off a young female cashier at the next cash register over.  The next time I was in that Walmart I had a mental note to check on that cashier. Again, he was keeping his eyes on the young sweet lady as before.   He might have had a crush on her or maybe just found her interesting.

We were at that Walmart the other day and  the man is still a cashier, but his station is overseeing the self-service stations.  His boss might have noticed the same thing I noticed and politely moved him.

I don't remember ever seeing the guy smile.

I don't know but I would not be surprised  if he had a fantastic comic book collection.

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