
Monday, February 02, 2015

We drove to Decatur yesterday evening in the rain.  The destination was Eddie's Attic.   We paid on-line in advance to see Emi Sunshine in concert.  But more about that another time.

We were lucky enough to find a parking place as close as you can get to the stairway leading up to Eddie's Attic.  However,  there were multi-signs all around saying to pay at the pay station.  I looked around and I think I saw what I thought was the pay station.  It was something not manned by a human.  It didn't appear that our car parking space had a number - so how do you point out to a pile of metal  and plastic that you are paying for a parking space?

I might never know.

A tall slim snaggled tooth man stepped out from the edge of the building of Eddie's Attic and told me you did not have to pay on Sunday.  And he showed me on the sign in small white print that you had to pay everyday but on Sunday.
That was his freebee.

Then, he asked me for money.   He wasn't shy about asking for it.  I guess his ploy was that one good deed deserved a  good deed.

He told me he was doing this honestly, he wasn't going to break the law like he used to.

Used to?  Gulp!

He told me his room cost him $8 a night, so "Come on man!"

I pulled out my wallet and gave him $2.

He thanked me.

While we were eating a block away I was thinking of the details of the begging experience.    What I didn't think of at the time, when I opened my wallet I had to flip through tens and twenties  to find the two one dollar bills.

I did that in front of him.  Darn!  Why didn't I think of that?
At the concert I thought he might be waiting to see me again..... do another favor for me.

When the concert was over, walking down the stairs, there he was, just smiling from ear to ear offering to hold people's umbrellas for them.

He smiled big at me and asked did we have an umbrella.  We did.  I could use it as a club if I had to.

But I didn't have to, which I am thankful for.

Anna just read that Emi Sunshine's  family van was stolen last night.  The cops caught the person that stole it but not before the crook wrecked it.  All of Emi Sunshine's band's music instruments were in the van and the whole thing is impounded.

I wonder if my good Samaritan Friend had anything to do with that?

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