
Friday, August 01, 2014

Getting Ready For School

This morning on our walk I saw at least four school buses reroute like they were making their regular morning trip.  Then, before my walk was over  they were on the road again, maybe going a different direction. 
I concluded that they pretended to do their pick up route and then their afternoon route.  They were making trial runs.  They were getting ready for the new school term.

Yesterday we were at Sears.  It was busy with moms and their children buying school clothes.
Also yesterday I rode by three schools.  The parking lot had plenty of cars.  I suppose inside were teachers preparing for their lesson plans, activities and so on.

The high school jocks have been at football training camps and are raring to get into action.
I'm sure the scholarly students are preparing for whatever they do.... in my time it was leather holsters for their new slide rules, or whatever.

And lastly, and least,  I'm sure the class clowns have preparations to make too.  They should be practicing their wise-cracks to get roars of laughter from their class-mates.  It is not so much what to say, the students, as a group, are so nervous those first days, they will laugh at almost anything delivered will.  Timely and delivery means everyhthing. 

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