
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Old Stomping Grounds

From about 1947 until 1955 we (my parents and siblings) lived on Manget Street,  in Marietta,, across the street  from Larry Bell Park.  Yesterday, I drove through the hood and was gushed with memories.

The three above pictures  would be what we would be looking at if we did not move in 1955.

However, if we had not moved, we would probably  have to live in  abandoned  impounded cars.  I think the property we lived on  is now a  fenced space to keep impounded cars.  At least we could brag about living in a gated community.

Looking down Manget Street to Glover Street

On the corner of Manget and East Dixie Avenue.  The Jones House, which I think the Manget Family lived in.

The Hand house.  Their house on East Dixie was right behind our back side yard.  I remember Mr Hand was always building something with a power saw in his basement.  Our lights dimming and his power saw sounding always were together.  After Mr. Hand died their two sons grew up to be wild boys.  They tore up the house and did not have jobs.  Finally, Mrs. Hand had enough, one day when they were gone for a few days she carried out her plan.  She moved to a nursing home in another state and left no forwarding address.

Next door to the Hands: Cliff and Grace White and their children Harry and June lived here.  I hardly recognized the house because when I lived behind them the front porch  was screened in.  Cliff was Deputy Commissioner under Herbert McCollum. 

Next door to the Whites were the Holcomb family, Gene, Jackie, Larry, and Peggy.  Larry was my age and we were friends up until he died in the year 2000.  Either Gene or Jackie was blood kin to the Whites, I forgot which one.  Gene first got into politics by becoming a councilman and later as a state representative.  He mishandled some public funds and went to prison where he died.

Across the street from the Holcombs and Hands: My friend Bobby McEntyre lived .  I came across a census that showed that his grandfather one time lived there in the ealry 1900s.  Now it is headquarters for a plumbing company.

(psst! click on images to make them larger)

Around the corner:  My Uncle Herbert Hunter lived here on Delk Street..  Many nights I would notice light comin out of the window in the garage behind the house and I would drop in visit him while he was building a boat.

Next door Mrs. Morgan lived.  Mrs Morgan did  not like me, or more likely, she did not care for some of my friends I ran around with.  They lived directly behind our house.  They had chickens in a fence next to the very back of our yard.  Once one of my friends just got a new BB gun.  He carried that BB gun to our back yard and killed several of Mrs. Morgan's chickens by shooting them in the eyes.  That is an argument for BB Gun Control.

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