
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pink Dogwoods on West Paces Rd, Atlanta

Above is a postcard of a driveway leading off West Paces Road in Atlanta.

Interesting, this driveway is just down the street a few blocks from the Governor's Mansion.  Also, it is almost across the street from the front yard of what was supposed to be the Butler's estate in GONE WITH THE WIND, but the yard itself is not there now, in its place is a subdivision.    

I knew then  a worker at the Atlanta Post Office that lived within a house of two of this picture.  It was a house his wife inherited.  He threw packages all night long with an apron on.  But his neighbors did not know that, he left for work every evening wearing a suit and carrying an  briefcase with his lunch in it.

One time while throwing packages  he heard one that was ticking or hissing.   He hollered over to his supervisor and told him and they evacuated the building.   It was his moment:  He grabbed the package and ran out of the building, in case it exploded.  I don't know if the evacuees ran back in to get away from the bomb or not.  The bomb squad came and took over .  He was a hero.  He got a promotion to supervisor.

Below is a picture I took unknowing  the existence of the above post card at the time.  I thought through the years they might have been the same driveway but now I don't think so.  The slope of the driveways looks differently.

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