
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Death Comes With a Surprise

Yesterday Anna received an email while we were in a diner eating.  The email told her that an ex-coworker had died suddenly that morning with a massive heart attack.  I met this person a couple of times and was surprised.  I thought he would have been the least likely heart attack victim there could be.  He was slim, young, energetic,   and I don't think he smoked.
As Anna and I talked it was surprising how much I knew about the person and didn't realize it.  I knew his twice marriage status, his church, the number of kids (1), where his kid went to college, where he  one time lived (near Tate), who he was related to (the Tates of Tate, Georgia), and more things.   That was just a sampling of how much I know about somebody I don't know.

Probably what I respected most about him is that one day a week he was a meal-on-wheels volunteer.  When we ran into him one time he was telling us he missed picking up a meal for one elderly guy on his meal on wheels day, so he went by and got him and they went to a Chinese Restaurant.

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