
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Whites, Gallengers, and the Neighbors

Speaking of the White Family of Boone County, West Virginia. (what?  you don't read my Facebook posts?), brings up the Jerry Springer types, which bring up my neighbors across the street.  
They use their front yard as a stage and I think they know they have us as an audience.   They speak in loud booming voices as if they are on a stage; as the daughter said to us once, "We are loud people."  Every time they do put on a show, which might be a knock-down-drag out which more than a few times has involved 911, the cops, fire trucks, and  ambulances.   Each time a "show" starts happening we take our places:  I get at one window, Anna gets at another window, the 92 year old lady that lives next to us gets in her window, and the neighbor that lives on the other side of them gets on the other side of the hedge and we all get on the phone and describes the action from different angles.

It is almost as good as the cable TV serial SHAMLESS.    I much rather see SHAMELESS because it is fiction - it did not really happen.  Or did it?  The things that happens on that show are too bizarre that a mere mortal could make up.

For instance on the past Sunday night show  the so-called head of the Gallenger family is dying with a bad liver.  He is sinking fast and already looks dead.  He needs a liver transplant but they  are not high on the list to get one and besides they do not have the money they need.  Through a friend of a friend they find a doctor with an Arabic accent.  He refuses to give his real name because his medical license is not  recognized in the U.S. to he has to perform operations illegally.  Normally, he is a taxi driver.  He demands 30 grand and the family can only come up with  $26,000 - he thinks for a minute and accepts the money.  He advises them that after he finished the job and leaves they should call 911 and then he will be rushed to the hospital to be taken care of, post op- care.  He operates, they call 911 and he is rushed to the hospital  The family went to the hospital and the examining doctor said he did not have a liver transplant, but they did take one of his kidneys, so now, that put him head of the list.   On the same show a thug that lives close by has a Russian Whore for a wife and he is her pimp; he was reminisces  the times in school he was a total terror to kids with lunch money and how he would nearly beat them to death and put them in the hospital, and he almost got a tear in his eyes and said, "God!  I miss my school days!" 

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