
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday Night at THE BOOK EXCHANGE

Renea Winchester

We went to THE BOOK EXCHANGE on Canton Road in the Market Square Shopping Center to hear two authors talk about their newly released books.

Anna had been to several of these authors introductions there. This was my first time in years.  She warned me it would be crowded.  It was crowded, very crowded.  But as crowded as it was, with people having to stand up, I noticed the seat next to me was empty, the only empty seat in the house.  That's par for me.

We had the pleasure of meeting Renae Winchester.  She was sitting next to us.    Anna and I  have  both read her book IN THE GARDEN WITH BILLY.  It is about a real man in his 80s who lost his wife several years ago and is a full fledged farmer.  He farms  produce and has goats, chickens, and I forgot what else.  It is a charming story because this good natured farmer lives in the middle of a yuppie kingdom, on the outskirts of Roswell, Georgia.  If you have acreage there, you are expected to have a white fence, rolling hills and prized thoroughbred horses galloping around, not rows of tomatoes and corn.

I have been Facebook friends with Renea  for a while, and just that same morning I received a comment  from her about a post I made.  She is a very highly energized, happy looking person.  

The owner of the Book Exchange, Cathy Blanco, has literary connections to draw on for her events.  Years ago I went to one of her first author signing books events.  That day she had 5 or 6 authors.  My main target that day was Sharyn McCrumb.  I was a big fan of her at the time, having read all her books.  She wrote about the Western North Carolina mountains and the Tri-state area of Virginia and Tennessee. She described much of what my ancestors lives must have been.  She also had ghosts running through her ballad series books with reoccurring characters, one which was an elderly lady who could talk to the ghosts. 

Last night before the authors were introduced, we were entertained by a musical group of three sisters called PURELY ACOUSTIC BAND.  One thing amusing was one of the sisters broke her strings on the guitar and the older sister lightly complained she always does that.  Just like sisters really do, bicker at one another.   We enjoyed their music and bought their CD afterwards.

Renea gave the two authors, Ann Hite and Karen Spears Zachariast,  a nice introduction as they stood on the Grand Ole Opry homemade style stage, talking about their first kiss and reading exerts from their books.

A pleasant evening was had by all.  

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