
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bell Reunion Executive Planning Committee

Chefs for the 2009 Bell Reunion:  Rupert Raines & Ken Chaney

C.W. Connor at the 2009 Bell Reunion.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye.  I was a spy at the Executive Board Bell Gang Reunion Tuesday night.  I sat right in the middle of them while they made their intricate plans and they didn't even notice me.  Imagine that.

Here is the scoop - who  was picked to bring the chop onions?  It was decided that someone would bring whole onions and they would chop them on the site.

Also, what time should it begin.  Somebody said, "Early!"

How early?

What about 9:00am?

Somebody else said they would be there at 8:30.

Then someone else said , "It doesn't matter... people will want to get there early."

It was decided that the blessing for the food will be at 2pm.
Then the next question,  "When does it end?"

Some one said, "Late as anybody wants to stay".

Somebody said, lets say "Ending at "?"".

So, the hours are pretty much set in stone now.

Remember, on your planner reserve September the 28th from "early to ?"

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