
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Last Visit to Chicago

The last time we were in Chicago was just before Labor Day in 2001.  I remember that it was just before Labor Day because on our flight back we sat close to and got to know  a young lady that was going to DRAGONCON in Atlanta.  Dragoncon is annually held on Labor Day weekend.   Comicbook artists come to meet fans and promote their books and so do electronic game creators and what kind of people do you think are attracted to DRAGONCON.  The kind that wear superhero tights and people dressed like robots, aliens. and other creatures..   If I remember correctly, the young lady we met on the plane was Wonderwoman  or maybe Superwoman, but I'm pretty sure she was Wonder Woman.  There were others on the plane for the same reason.

I remember the year, because less than two weeks later was 9/11.  We could have been part of that, Holy Shit! (as Batman and Robin might say)

The reason we were in Chicago,  Anna had to go to a week's conference there.  I tagged along and went exploring in the day time while she was in her meetings.   The fountain above was just about a block from our hotel.  I walked by it several times.  It was almost across the park from the Chicago Art Museum.

One night we went out and took a taxi back to the hotel and cab driver, a Far Eastern Indian that cursed the traffic, drove us around the fountain, it was all lit up with different colors shining of the waters.  


  1. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Ah, yes, the Buckingham Fountain, the Sears Tower (black building with white spires) and as my kids called it, the "Adventures in Babysitting" building from the movie of the same name. (the two triangles at the top) Also has interesting nicknames in Chicago.

    Mike D

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Eddie had I gotten to know you (as I do now thru your blog), we would have met you guys for lunch or dinner. We lived in the Naperville area.
    Geri B


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