
Monday, July 01, 2013


We don't get out often so when we do I am  awed by all around me, just like a 9 year  old boy in a carnival strip show the first time.

We rode the elevator with my friend Marvin Young who was on his way to check on Paul Roper, who was having knee replacement  this same day. 

We first went to visit the surgeon who took my gall bladder out and this time he took out the remaining staples, which were more painful  than it was to remove than the gall bladder.  He also had a joke a minute, which I hope was free.

After the visit to the surgeon we were trying to decide where to eat, either Paul's Pot Pies or David Poe's Barbecue.  Because Paul's Pot Pies is just down the street a few blocks and a turn on Mill Street we decided to go there.  When we turned up Mill Street a sign was in Paul's window saying he was closed for the  first week of July.  Paul decided for us where to eat.  We went to David Poe's. 

As we were getting out of the car in front of Poe's Barbecue #2 two little old men were stepping down from the curb, leaving the restaurant and one of the little old dried up men let out a blast of a belch that would blow your hat off and  or if you didn't have a hat it would at least part your hair.    I have never seen such a runt of person let out such a loud belch. 

We did not eat the macaroni  and cheese, or aka "Red neck Lasagna" - we have had it there before.   I  do not have my full appetite back yet.

Afterwards, we looked for a place to get our CRV exhaust tested.  As strange as it seems, the next three or four testing stations were closed or their system was down.  I begin to wonder if there was a conspiracy.    Finally, we found one opened and working and the fellow checked it out for us, cheaper too!

We went to one of the tag offices.  As we entered there was a sign telling things you could not do after you went through those doors.  One was smoking, which is understandable and another was do not use your cell phone.

You pull a number out of the little machine and have a seat in the waiting room for your number to be called.  It looked like at least 75% of the people sitting were using their cell phone.  One guy close to us was placing a food delivery on his, very loudly.  That's what I like, people go by the rules so things will go smoothly.

When we got home I had two phone messages from Arnold Guest.  The first one was reminding me Paul Roper's surgery was today.   The second one was Arnold telling that the doctor said the surgery went great and in just a couple of hours Paul will be sent to a private room.

PAUL LIVES!!!   That boy is resilient as a roach. 

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