
Monday, May 27, 2013

Visiting the Armed Fallen at the National Cemetery

Today we visited the Marietta National Cemetery.  There are thousands of dead people here who were in the service, and a large number of them gave their lives so we may speak, vote, and pray to whatever supreme being you choose.

Note- Click on each image to make it bigger and better.

This is a memorial for my late friend Sam Carsley's father who was lost at sea in WWII.  Sam died March of this year.  The red, white, and blue flowers are very new.  Sam's widow Lita probably is keeping his tradition going of faithfully putting flowers at loved ones graves.

The building in the center of the picture was the Coca Cola Bottling Company all through my formative years.  My father used to pull me up the hill from the Clay Homes in my wagon to this place, he bought a case of Cokes and I would walk back with him.

This marker has ALBERT BRAWNER on the side.  It said he was a medical officer.  I wonder if it is Doctor Brawner of Brawner's Sanitarium in Smyrna?

Above is a Medal of Honor receiver.  See the lady in the white tee-shirt below?  She walked up to the marker, patted it, and thanked him.  Then she randomly thanked other heroes.  I'm not sure she was aware of my presence of not.  Below she is sitting down chatting with a fallen hero, like comforting him.  She may see and understand more than I do.  I was tempted to make a video of her but I decided not to, I don't think it would be in good taste. 

Below and the rest of the pictures are the Cole family.  Henry Greene Cole, who was believed to be a Yankee spy, donated this land to bury Union Soldiers.  He reserved a little plot for his family.  Please excuse my shoes.  They sneaked right in the pictures.  Now, I see why some people call them "sneakers".

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