
Friday, March 08, 2013

Happy International Working Women Day

Today is International Working Women Day. 

There are less and less stay at home moms, well, in the middle class, anyway.   The exception is the upper crust - if they work they are professionals.

Back when I was growing up I don't think my father would hear of my mother working and I think she was glad he felt that way. 

This is International Working Women Day.  All over the world it is a celebration today for the women working.  Which reminds me, I read or saw on National Geographic channel  that in many parts of the world the woman is the prevalent bread winner of the family.  The wife goes out and works in a mill all day or fishes on a river bank or bake bread for the market, or even go out in the wilds and hunt game while the men folk hang around the center of town, usually near the fountain, or water hole,  where there is fresh water, and gossip and entertain each other with jokes., or fuss and feud.   Sounds like my home town.

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