
Friday, November 02, 2012

Now, This is a Brick

This brick came off Waterman Street Grammar School, collected after the landmark historical school was bulldozed away.

The picture above of the Waterman Street School brick was taken on our carport with a brick-lined backdrop.  The WS brick looks slightly bigger than the carport bricks.  I guess the statement, "They don't build things like they used to."  will always be a true statement.

If I remember correctly the school building was built in 1888.  Which means this brick is at least 124 years old.
My daddy and his eight siblings went to Waterman Street, and a generation later my two siblings and I went there.

Miss Whitehead taught my father, his sister, and seven brothers, so later when I showed up, I think Miss Whitehead. then principal, probably considered retirement.  She earned her pay my seven year tenure with her, to say the least.

I have plenty of memorable memories there during my formative years, some good and some not so good. 

Yesterday my friend Walker Gaines gave me the brick.  Walker went through Waterman street together.  Walker used to live across the street from the school.  But in time moved on, getting married to Darlene in the process.  Apparently his father and mother stayed there, because when the school was demolished Walter's father was there to pick up a few bricks.

Walker and I met at the Varsity and had lunch.  It was a pleasant lunch.  We had a one- on- one conversation, mostly playing the "whatever happened to bla bla game".  Recalling people that used to be in your life is always fun and educational - and good excercise for the brain.  It was two hours well spent. The hotdogs and onion rings were pretty good too.

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