
Friday, October 12, 2012

Shuddup in the Peanut Gallery!

This blog does not get many comments.  I suppose a lack-luster blog gets a lack-lluster response.

99% comments that do come in are not comments at all.  They are shameless spam trying to get free advertisement at my expense.  Mostly they are for Viagra, penis enlargement, XXX pictures,  how to pick up girls books, and other tasteful stuff.  They are not published.  My carrier recognizes cheap spam when it sees it and knocks it down but sends it to me to be deleted.  I think I get over a hundred useless spams a day to delete.

So, I made it easy on myself.  I turned off the thing that allows comments.  It is not worth having to put up with 100s of spams just to allow maybe one legit comment every two or three weeks.


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