
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This Date, March 14th, in History:

1794 Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin.

Do you know the story of background story of Eli Whitney inventing the cotton gin? Have you heard my version? If not, then I know you are a newcomer to this blog. Here, I’ll tell it again: General Nathan Greene, Revolutionary War hero, was given Mulberry Grove Plantation , close to Savannah, by the state of Georgia for their appreciation of him. After they got the plantation running the General died and his wife, Catharine “Caty” Littlefield Greene, was left in charge.

She had three rather famous visitors, at different times: One was George Washington to visit his old comrade. Another one was General “Lighthorse Harry” Lee, also a General of the Revolutionary War, who apparently came for the same reason , and both not learning of Nathaniel’s death until their arrival. “Lighthorse Harry” was Robert E. Lee’s father. Also, “Lighhorse Harry” died on his visit there.

The third visitor, apparently knew of Nathaniel’s death. He came to apply for a teacher’s job that Caty ran an ad in the papers. He didn’t get the job, because it had already been filled. Caty invited Eli to stay for a few days before his long journey back. While there, he invented the cotton gin and he needed one more item which he was going to have to make and Caty thought of her comb and gave it to him, and walla! The cotton gin was born.

Now, back to Eli arriving and finding out the teacher job had already been filled. I believe there is a strong possibility the person who filled that job was Winston Tyson, sister of my great-g-g grandfather Eugene Hargraves/Job Tyson. It is recorded that was a teacher for the Greene children at Mulberry Grove Plantation – I just can’t find the exact dates she taught there.

1879 Albert Einstein Ulm Germany, was born.(E=mc²/Theory of Relativity, Nobel 1921).

If Einstein stayed in Germany he would have probably been killed by the Nazis because of what he was, not who he was. I wonder how many very gifted people the United States Government let slip through their fingers because of what they were.

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