
Friday, February 10, 2012

This Day in History, February the 10th

1776 "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine, published. It looks like we need a refreshment course.

1932 "Mickey Mouse" & "Silly Symphony" comics syndicated. I had a hard time finding a Silly Symphony cartoon that did not smear the stereotypes images of minorities.

1958 Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire" reaches #1 on the country and r&b charts, #2 on the pop chart

1966 Julian Bond denied seat in Georgia legislature for opposing Vietnam War. So much for letting the people chose their own representative for their district. Also, when Jullian was a college student he went to the spectator balcony on the 2nd floor overlooking the representatives hard at work, and a representative saw him and called for the guards to “remove that colored boy”.

1967 Lester Maddox inaugurated as Governor of Georgia. Believe it or not, Lester’s administration hired more minorities than any governor before him.

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