
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sighting of the Invisible Man at GC BBQ

We went to our favorite barbecue eatery yesterday, Grand Champion BBQ.

This was our 4th visit. As the other times we entered the first person we saw was one of the owners smiling as always. She instantly recognized us. She remembered what I had last time and the time before that. This time I tried the pulled pork.

She told me there was somebody there that knew me. Me? Nobody knows me! I thought. She said somebody was there that reads Chicken-fat and he was there because of my recommendation.

Did I get that right? Somebody actually followed my recommendation. Wow! And what is even more amazing they just happened to be there, in mid-day, with only two other customers in the dining room. Is that synchronicity or what?

As we were about to sit down a man walked up to me and said something witty like, “They don’t have chicken-fat on the menu!” He was a real chicken-fat reader. I didn’t know if I should have walked around him and pinch him or pull his nose to see if he was real or what.

It didn’t take too many sentences for me to know who he is. We have communicated on at least two occasions. He has made comments via emails about things as I said on the blog and he is also a neighbor to an ex-postal coworker.

His nice wife walked up and we talked to her also. She had her pocketbook, so I think that was a signal to him it was time to go. It was a nice conversation. At the end, he punch-lined it by saying, “See? you are not so invisible after all.”

They left and I sat there dazzled thinking a real person with no ties reading Chicken-fat. Unbelievable!

The pulled pork was very moist and delicious. The bbq baked beans had a body of its own and the coleslaw was chunky with apple chucks.

I meant to say this in my last posting about GC BBQ but when typing it slipped my mind: They play good old fashion Delta Blues, which seems to complement good BBQ.

I guess he was right, I’m not invisible after all. Oh by the way, here is a picture of my favorite GC BBQ part-owner and me. How do you like my new ballcap?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Comedian Jake Johannsen does a great bit about the fact that at a certain age, you become invisible to the new crop of 23 year old's, and since you're invisible, they don't even see you if you stare at them. It's on netflix streaming, entitled, Jake Johannsen: I Love You. Very fun, and true at the same time.


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