
Monday, April 11, 2011

Wow! Who Do I Think I Am? part 28

Above - Leander Newton Trammell
Other than Jacob Trammell William and Mary Zilphia Lynch Trammel had three other children, all sons.

Robert Trammel, who probably died in Gilmer or Fannin County, Georgia. Robert married Mary and 5 children.

Jehu Jasper Trammell. He held in trust Chattahoochee Methodist Church, just a few miles south of Helen, Ga., in the Sautee area. Jehu married Elizabeth Fain and they had seven children, one was Leander Newton Trammell, which more will follow.

Javan Trammell (1795-1857). Affidavit of J.S. Sutherland says in part: J. Van Trammell is an honest, hard working poor man and he took care of his father in his helpless old age. I hope that you make the money payable to J.Van Trammell and not to the widow as you have a full statement of the matter." Javan married Sarah Davis and they had 16 children. Javan died in Fannin County, Ga.

Now, back to Leander Newton Trammell (1830-1900), son of Jehu Trammell. Leander is/was my 1st cousin, 4 times removed. He is mentioned in the book LIVING ON THE UNICOI ROAD by Matt Gedney as having been next door neighbor to the meanest man in Georgia, an almost-Hunter relation, mentioned earliler. Leander was a very influencial Georgia State Represenative and I heard as a technicalilty he was Governor of Georgia for one day. He ended up as head commissioner of Georgia Railroads. He had a nice home on Trammell Street in Marietta and also another nice home in Dalton, Georgia, where he died. He married Zenobia Barclay and they had 9 children.

Here is what I am on my genealogical notes about Leander Newton Trammell:

Col. Leander Newton Trammell (1830 – 1900) lived in Marietta, among other places. He is descended from the Same William Trammell, Revolutionary War Soldier as most Hunters in the Marietta are. Here are various press clippings:

In the book LIVING ON THE UNICOI ROAD by Matt GEDNEY a L. N. TRAMMELL is mentioned that would fit about the same time and area for Leander:
In 1887, Mrs. Maria A. Jacqness of London, England, bought the "Trammell Place" from L. N. TRAMMELL. 600 acres for $7000 in the Helen Valley (now know as Helen, Ga.). L. N. moved near Dalton, in Whitfield County, Georgia.

The unanimous choice of this gentlemen to preside over this body of the Senate of Georgia, whilst a just cause of pride and gratification to the numerous friends of Mr. Trammell, is at the same timea compliment paid to his integrity, high character and ability rarely if ever converred on any one before. We tender our congratuations, and frankly express our conviction that the confidence envinced in Mr. Trammell by so dignafied a body as the Senate of Georgia is an earnest of his future usefulness and advancement. - THE ATLANTA SUN, January 9, 1873.

Part of article signed "Coosa" from ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, May 1874:

If ambition is a fault, if to want political postion is a fault, these are not faults which can be laid at the door of Colonel Trammell. That Colonel Trammell has a proper appreciation of official promotion, and fully understands the honor that flows to one who discharges a public trust with fidelity, I have no doubt. But what I say is, that if he still an example of public men. I regret it is a calamity when public men of high position suffer themselves to doubt the truth, and avow their doubts in the presence of young men. My revered friend was fixed in his faith, openly profession the same and ended life holding to the saving truth of the Gospel.

As a public servant of the State his career in the duties of war and peace was so varied, so continiuous, so faithful to duty, and so intelligent, that it may be truly said the history of Georgia for forty years past could be gathered about the thread of his individual life. His latest service in the very responsible position of Chairman of the State Railroad Commission was distinquished by such ability, such wisdom, and such conservatism that he left behind and almost perfected system of State control of railroad interests. I can not speak of the particulars of his useful life at this hour. I know that he has a high place in the esteem of his people, and has secured an enduring name in his State's history. Let me commend the consolation of our holy religion to the bereaved family. At last, after all the eulogy on a well-spent life, the best that can be said is, "He died in peace with God, and has his great reward in heaven."

Colonel Trammell was reared on a farm. His boyhood and youth were passed in working and going to school alternately. When nineteen years old, he entered a boardingschool at Bates' Creek, now Hiwassee College, Tenn. After spending fifteen months there, he taught school for awhile, and then read law under Simpson Reid at Blairsville, Ga.

When he was married in 1856, he took his young wife to Lebanon, Tenn.,a and was the first year of his marriage life was spent at Law school.
Being admitted to the bar, he located at Ringgold, Catoosta County, Ga., entering the practice as the junior member of the firm McConnell & Trammell.

In 1861he was elected to the Legislature from Catoosa and re-elected without opposition. In March, 1862, he entered the Confederate service as quartermaster, with the rank of captain. The auditor complimented him in a personal letter on the excellence of his reports and stated that this was the only letter of the kind he had the pleasure of writing.
In 1866, Colonel Trammell resumed the practice of law at Calhoun, Gordon County.

He was elected to the Constitution Convention of 1867-1868, where he died the State good service. He was the recognized leader of the patriotic little band of fourteen in that body known as the "Hancock Democracy". It was through their tireless efforts that white supremacy was secured to Georgia in those dark days. At the next election succeeding, Colonel Trammell was tendered the nomination for State Senator, but declined it.
In 1870, he was elected to the State Senate and made the president of that body.

When in 1871, Governor Rufus B. Bullock resigned and left the State, Colonel Trammell was by right Governor pro tem., but Benjamin Conley, the former president, claimed the right to perform the duties of Governor during the interregnum. Serious consequences were narrowly averted. Leading Democrats urged Colonel Trammell to assert his rights, but forseeing that it would lead to disorder, he declined to do so.
He was re-elected to the Senate in 1873, without opposition. In 1876 he was made he was made a Tilden elector.

It was in 1876 that the Seventh Congressional district was thrown into the furor of excitment by the first of a series of memorable campaigns, in which the lurid eloquence of Dr. Willam H. Felton lighted up that picturesque region like a series of bonfires.

Colonel Trammell was nominated for Congress by the Democratic Convention and Dr. Felton, who became and independent candidate, attacked him with much acrimony and vigor.
This sort of a campaign was not to Colonel Trammell's liking, and he soon retired, giving place to Hon. W.H. Dabney, of Rome, who made a stoud defence of the organized Democracy, but was defeated.
He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1877, serving on the Committee of Revision.

In 1881, he was President of the State Democratic Convention, and in 1882-1883 served as Chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee.
On the fifteenth of October, 1881, Governor Colquit appointed Colonel Trammell a member of the Railroad Commission to succeed Samuel Barnett, who term expired.
The appointment was confirmed by the Legislature of 1882, and Governor Alexander H. Stephens issued a commission to Colonel Trammell on November 7th of that year. The term was for six years.
In March 1890, Colonel Trammell was made Chairman.

above - Col Leander Newton Trammell's obelisk in West Hill Cemtery, Dalton, Georgia

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