
Monday, April 04, 2011

Wow! Who Do I think I Am? part 23

Jacob and Polly Hogshead Trammell's children continued.

3.Rebecca Trammell was the mother of my great grandfather, therefore she is my great great grandmother. She is mentioned in her father Jacob Trammell’s daughter as being deceased. I think she died before 1850. We know Rebecca sued Jason Henderson Hunter for Bastardy in 1842 and the court ordered him to pay Rebecca $100 a year.

Jason was mentioned frequently in the Macon County Court records. For one thing Jason was the town constable and had to appear in court as a witness, in connection with law enforcement, but he also was scolded often by the courts for not going “by the book”.

And in 1842 Rebecca Trammell was not the only person that sued him for bardardy. Also Catherine Davis sued in for Bastardy in 1839. And again in 1842. Their oldest child was Jason Davis (1839 – 1862) and the youngest was Seth Davis, (1842 - ? ). Jason Davis was killed fighting in the Civil War in Virginia. Seth’s faith is unknown.

During these three times Jason was sued for bardardy he had a wife, Elizabeth Sherrill, and they 5 children born in the 1840s.

As if that wasn’t enough in Macon County Deed Book D there is a hint that Jason may have had some thing going on with his slave Emma:

1782. Mortgage: JASON H. HUNTER of Macon to NICHOLAS W.WOODFIN of Buncombe Co., NC for $1, 167 ac. on which Hunter lives, purchased lives, purchased from Michael Wikle on the Tennessee R., Sec. 38, Dis. 16; also the Sellers tract purchased of JAMES SELLERS, 174 ac., Sec. 38 Dis. 1; also 50 ac. Sec. 64, Dis. 8, purchased of BENJAMIN HYDE; also 116 ac., purch. of Hyde, Sec. 69, Dis. 8. Also for $1 has sold to Woodfin three negro slaves, woman of dark complexion named EMMA, 27 years, one boy child of the woman Emma, aged abt. 4 yrs, of yellow complexion named JOHN and one other child of same woman, a female named MARGARET, aged 1 yr. Condition: Hunter indebted to Woodfin by $602 note dated Sep. 15, 1843, also following notes in hands of Woodfin as attorney for following Charleston merchants: $185.58 due firm of ROOSEVELT & BARKER, dated Oct. 26 1843, with credit of $50; one of $144.11, same firm, dated June 4, 1844; another of $61.60, due TOWNSEND & MENDELHALL & CO, dated Oct 27, 1843, with credit of $140.00; another of $351.79, due KELSEY & DEAS, dated June 4, 1844; another of $100.12, same firm, Dec 14, 1844.
J.H. Hunter, Wit: H.G. WOODFIN, who proved Dec 17, 1844. Registered Feb 12, 1845.

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